Friday, November 26, 2010

How to enjoy food with less fat

I hope everyone had happy Thanksgiving. I had a wonderful one and I ate so much. Thanksgiving dinner has actually pretty healthy ingredients. We just need to look at and notice how to cook and how to eat these healthy ingredients not to be super fat dinner. Here is the few easy trick to cook same ingredients but less fat at the end. Start this and make it as your dairy habit.

  1. Take out skin from meat
  2. Eat sweet fruit and vegetable like kabocha, sweet potato, banana instead of butter base sweets
  3. Cut vegetable lager so, when you cook, oil or other cooking agent will absorb less.
  4. Flash the fat with boiled water for fatty meat like pork and beef. It will also help make taste absorb into meat better.
  5. For stir fried vegetable need to be cooked longer time, use microwave to cook 70% and then cook in the pan with oil, such that it will use less oil.
  6. Steam instead of sautee.
  7. Bake with oven or toaster oven instead of deep fried. Need only little sprinkle of oil.
  8. Use coated pan to cook. You need less oil or butter for non- stick pan.

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