Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hirame (halibut, flounder) vs. Karei (turbot, sole or righteye flounder)

If you know about fish, both hirame (ヒラメ)and karei (カレイ)are flatfish and look similar. But there are few differences between them. Hirame has head in left side (left-eyed) and karei has it in right side (right-eyed) with few exception in some species. (You probably don't need to know the anatomy of fish.... I know) Hirame swims around and catches fish to eat, so it has tighter body. Hirame is good for sashimi for that reason. Of course you find all sorts of cooking method from baking to saute. Karei in the other hand, catches and eat food on the sea ground in the sand. It has smoother texture than hirame because of  their activity level.

Both hirame and karei are high in protein, low in fat and contains taurin and good source of vitamin B. Taurin is known to prevent liver disease, energy-giving, lower blood pressure, and lower cholesterol. It contains collagen especially around fin. Collagen supports body tissues such as skin, bone, tendons, muscles, and cartilage.

You will see more halibut in the store as an expensive fish, but karei is cheaper and taste as good as hirame. Karei tend to be lower in mercury contamination becuase it's from deep ocean.

Flounder you will find in the store also has similar habitat to karei (turbot), so it has smooth texture. But it's almost too soft and mushy for me. It almost melts down and breaks it when cooked.

(serving 3-4, Cooking time 15 min)

  1. 4 Karei (turbot or sole) pieces
  2. 3 green onion
  3. Ginger sliced make 1/2 tablespoons
  4. 3 tablespoons cooking sake
  5. 1 tablespoon Mirin (sweet cooking rice wine)
  6. 1 tablespoon low sodium soy sauce
  7. 3/4 cup water
  1. Pour hot water on the karei to clean the skin. Quickly wash with cold water and put aside.
  2. Cut green onion in 1 inch piece. Put in the toaster oven and grill for few minutes till it starts to get brown. (but don't burn)
  3. In the pan, put cooking sake, mirin, soy sauce and water. Cook till it boils.
  4. Add karei and ginger in the pan, cover and simmer for 5 min with medium heat.
  5. Add grilled green onion in the pan and cook additional 3 min.

My Shopping List: Turbot fillet (4 in pack) $5.00
Where: Seafood City
If you don't have Mirin, you can substitute with organic maple syrup and extra sake.

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