Saturday, June 5, 2010

Which food we should buy organically to avoid pesticide exposure? : " Dirty 12"

We live in the era of convenience with technology. And toxic chemicals creating convenience does a lot to our health problems. Fruits and vegetable (non-organic) grows with pesticides. And we also eat them (with food). Pesticide will increase risk of:
  • leukemia
  • cancers (brain, lung, lymphoma, kidney)
  • generic damage
  • decreased fertility
  • asthma and allergies
  • liver and pancreatic damage
  • Nerve damage
  • disrupt hormone function
  • birth defects
Even the amount is small, it's still there. It is said that washing them does not wash pesticide away. We won't see any sadden difference in health by eating them, but in the long period of our life time, it's better not consuming them now for our better future especially children.

We can reduce the risk by eating organic food. "Organically grown" food uses no synthetic fertilizer or pesticide. Environmental working group (EWG) has a list called "dirty dozen". This data is based on USDA pesticide data program(PDP) tested between 2000-2008. This test is done with food already washed or peeled. It is estimated that if we eat these "dirty dozen" food organically, pesticide exposure can be reduced up to 80%. It's ideal we eat all food organically, but given the economical reason, buy at least these12 top (most pesticide contaminated) food on the list organically.

"Dirty 12" (most toxic)
  1. celery
  2. peaches
  3. strawberries
  4. apples
  5. blueberries
  6. nectarines
  7. sweet bell pepper
  8. spinach
  9. kale
  10. cherries
  11. potatoes
  12. grapes (imported)
See full list of 49 fruit and vegetables here:
The Full List | Environmental Working Group

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