- leukemia
- cancers (brain, lung, lymphoma, kidney)
- generic damage
- decreased fertility
- asthma and allergies
- liver and pancreatic damage
- Nerve damage
- disrupt hormone function
- birth defects
We can reduce the risk by eating organic food. "Organically grown" food uses no synthetic fertilizer or pesticide. Environmental working group (EWG) has a list called "dirty dozen". This data is based on USDA pesticide data program(PDP) tested between 2000-2008. This test is done with food already washed or peeled. It is estimated that if we eat these "dirty dozen" food organically, pesticide exposure can be reduced up to 80%. It's ideal we eat all food organically, but given the economical reason, buy at least these12 top (most pesticide contaminated) food on the list organically.
"Dirty 12" (most toxic)
- celery
- peaches
- strawberries
- apples
- blueberries
- nectarines
- sweet bell pepper
- spinach
- kale
- cherries
- potatoes
- grapes (imported)
The Full List | Environmental Working Group