Sunday, December 18, 2011

Potassium Bromate in bread: Cancer causing food additive

I was making french toast this morning. I was making with omega 3 packed brown egg, organic soy milk and organic vanilla extract. All sounded good (however I heard there is no health benefit difference between brown egg and white egg even the color of egg yolk is different). But I was using white bread to the healthy dip to make actually potentially risky food! I love bread and I usually stick with bread made with whole wheat unbleached flour with no or less preservatives. But once a while I buy white bread for the taste (smooth, fluffy, less grainy). Especially for french toast, I like using thick white bread over anything else.

But I was shocked when I saw the ingredients of the white bread I bought from particular store, it contains "potassium bromate". This additive is used to strengthen bread dough to increase the volume and to produce bread with a fine crumb. That's why the bread is fluffy and has fine texture. Most bromate breaks down with heat, but when bread is not cooked with high enough temperature, small amount of bromate may remain.

Potassium bromate is known as cancer causing additive. Lab found kidney cancer on mouse. It is banned to use in most of the country, but is it not banned in US. In California, under proposition 65, the law requires to put warming sign on the labels. I see these signs sometimes on the shelves but I find stores and packages made us uneasy to find out the little label.
The list of current proposion 65 has 22 pages long (!) of all the chemicals to cause cancer. Is it very important to read all list of ingredients on the label and avoid to consume these chemicals. It is said the amount and risk to cause cancer is small and it is safe by FDA, but imagine if we eat this small amount of 'said to be non- risky' chemicals every day every meal for entire life, which most likely we do in some degree, the amount is no longer small amount as they say. Please be responsible with your health!!