Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Best Carrot Juice ever for me

I am not really crazy about carrot juice. The juice I have had from store is either too strong and bitter, or too sweet yet  too much "carrot" taste without any other taste. (of course it's carrot taste because it's carrot juice...) But I changed my mind after I had this one. I use organic carrots because then I don't need to peel the skin. Carrots have a lot of nutrition near skin. But at the same time, non-organic carrots have pesticide or other chemicals on the surface and it could make juice taste bitter. That's why I use organic carrots. Just wash well and cut the top and put in the juicer.

Carrot Juice
( Makes 2 litters)

  1. Organic Carrots: 3 kg (6 lb 8 oz)
  2. Organic Strawberry: 7 big pieces or 200g
  3. Organic Fuji Apple: 1
  1. Put everything in the juicer.
  2. Save carrot bits from juicer for carrot cake or muffin!!

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